Coraline Annotated Bib

Gaiman, Neil. Coraline. HarperCollins Publishers, 2015. In Coraline, Gaiman tells the story of an adventurous little girl who, when ignored by her parents, seeks adventure and affection elsewhere. Beginning with a little door to nowhere, the story gets increasingly darker as Coraline receives warnings from her various neighbors that even they do not understand. And…

The Voice Behind Coraline

The story of Coraline written by Neil Gaiman is one giant spiderweb, with unsuspecting victims tangled in its deceiving web of lies. I found my heart racing with every chapter attempting to decipher reality. I felt my self-regressing slowly into a child with every page I turned, questioning my knowledge and subconscious. I walked through…

Coraline: Let’s go through the little door

Stepping into one of Neil Gaiman’s works always feels the same for me. It’s as if I’ve been to this world before —maybe once a long time ago— but now I can’t seem to remember anything about it. It’s sort of like walking through your own house, but everything is turned at a 15 degree…